The Census Bereau released the annual data on incomes on Wednesday and it shocked everyone who thought the economy was doing good. Average income lowered from 2013-2014. In the past year, middle class incomes were very flat. While this may seem good, by comparison to pre-recession it is below by 6.5% and 7.2% below what it was in 1999. It seems as if this won't change any time soon also. The only thing that seems to be helping is the drop in oil prices. These numbers are not determined by race or age, it is true across all groups. 2014 was just "not statistically different".
I think this is pretty concerning. I genuinely hope that whoever takes office in 2016 is preparing to tackle this, not things like abortion and immigrants.It's time that presidential candidates starting taking things like this more seriously and actually debating about the important issues our country is facing, not the ones that get all the media attention because they are more interesting and fun to talk about.
Thanks - you're continuing to do a great job identifying some of the major stories (like Kim Davis) while also finding ones that may not be as well-known but are still very relevant.