Friday, January 15, 2016

Democratic party in Crisis

Image result for hillary clinton
With all the attention on Trump, Cruz, Bush, Rubio and Christie going at it, Hillary is falling way back in the polls. It seems like Bernie Sanders has the upper hand, but what does this mean for the Democratic party? If you asked me two weeks ago, I would've said Hillary was a shoe-in for the presidency. Now, who knows what's going to happen. "Sanders is in the lead this close to the New Hampshire primary, surging in Iowa, and is even besting Clinton’s support among younger women voters in some polls. But that reality has forced the party establishment to deal with an unwelcome prospect: As the Republicans energetically recast their pitch to disaffected Americans, it’s mainstream Democrats who are grappling with the more severe deficit of fresh messages, and new ideas." The GOP candidates have been honing messages that connect with voter's anxieties—fighting for common Americans against globalization, against terrorists, against the shifting moral landscape of the country they grew up in. The Sanders-Elizabeth Warren populist wing of the Democratic Party offers a powerful appeal to Americans worried about the growing unfairness of how money and power are distributed. "Part of the problem for the Democrats is that Barack Obama, despite seven years in office and a presidency that has been successful in many respects on policy, hasn’t really put his own brand on the party. He campaigned in 2008, vowing to be a transformative figure in the mold of Reagan, wowed liberals by explicitly scoffing at Bill Clinton’s strategy of “triangulation” between the ideological visions of left and right, and aspired to usher in a new age of diminished rancor in Washington." I don't really consider myself to be a part of a particular party. However, there's no way in my right mind that I would vote for Donald Trump and if the Democratic Party doesn't get it's act together and Trump manages to win the popular vote, who knows who he will be up against in the Primary. I sincerely hope it's someone who knows what they're doing and can actually beat out Trump. It's about time for Hillary to seriously step up her game, and she needs to do it fast. 

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