Thursday, January 14, 2016

Jeb makes a stand

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Thursday, Jeb Bush released his most aggressive ad yet. He openly calls Trump a jerk. It opens with a YouTube search of  “Donald Trump is a Jerk.” A clip of the former Florida governor then plays, where he tells a crowd that Trump is a jerk. He attacks the fact that Trump made fun of a man with a disability. Playing the video where he does so and the CNN reporter John Berman covers the story. As Trump speaks, an image of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, who has arthrogryposis (a chronic condition that limits arm movement) appears in a split screen. It then reads: "Jeb Bush and boy with cerebral palsy ate dinner before Pendleton rally,” then emerges above a video interview with the boy’s father, who’s wearing a “Jeb!” sticker. “I have a 12-year-old son who’s handicapped. He has cerebral palsy, and that just made me so angry,” the father says. “And I told my wife I just couldn’t let that stand. I had to do something, make sure Donald Trump wasn’t the nominee for the Republican Party.” “I think life is truly a gift from God, and we’re all equal under God’s watchful eye — that’s what I believe,” Bush says. “And when anybody — anybody — disparages people with disabilities, it sets me off. That’s why I called him a jerk. What kind of person would you want to have in the presidency that does that? What point do we say enough of this? Let’s start solving problems.” Personally, Jeb Bush isn't my favorite candidate. He is pretty much the punching bag for the Republicans in my opinion. However, because of that he really has not restraints on what he says, he's trying to gain some leverage, just like all the other candidates. I am really glad he released this ad. I know Trump will fire back at Bush, but Trump IS a jerk and I'm glad someone finally wasn't afraid to say it publicly. 

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