Apparently some people aren't afraid of walking into the wrong bathroom on accident, they're expecting others to do it on purpose. At least that's the case for voters in Houston. The slogan "No MEN in Women's bathrooms" has been printed on signs and shirts of people all around town. This is in opposition to the campaign to pass the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, or HERO, which has become a priority for national gay rights groups and the city’s gay mayor. "The provocative claim is that the measure would permit 'any man at any time' to enter a women’s bathroom 'simply by claiming to be a woman that day.' Opponents have dubbed the measure 'the bathroom ordinance.'" So they see this as in invasion of privacy for women and girls. Last year, Houston Mayor Annise Parker, a longtime lesbian activist serving her third and final term in office, embarked on a campaign promise to enact a nondiscrimination ordinance in her city. This was barely approved by the council. It drew national criticism and Parker withdrew the subpoenas. She is fighting this for her children also who are mixed race. Personally I believe that this issue is a little bit absurd. I see the anti-gay movement as repulsive and find it unsettling that it has so much support. I believe that if someone is transgender they should be free to use the restroom. Sometimes I don't understand why people make a big deal about nothing. There was no mention of bathrooms in the bill. It merely supported equal rights for transgender and different races in Houston.
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